Friday, February 3, 2017


nothing happened today really.

i made my japanese pasta, it was a failure. i guess that's something? hahaha it wasn't totally a failure but it wasn't a success either. it tasted okay i guess.

spent my day doing fuck all and i honestly don't know how i lived through the day LOL all i could remember was playing with VLR the whole time. the game is getting more and more interesting and it makes me think about how twisted humans can be. ughhhh scary. i'm 90% through the game now, i think! just one column left. but there could be more that i still need to unlock. dunno.

dinner was soup and bread. a little sad but it was okay. a makeshift gm wonder soup i tried last year. i have leftovers for lunch tomorrow yay! then i'm gonna make a vege sandwich for dinner. gonna try using up stuff in my fridge. had to throw away my celery because it was frozen. it wasn't in the freezer, mind, it was in the vegetable drawer but the cooler is so cold everything freezes over. i've had 5 eggs and 2 lemons frozen and had to throw them away. what a waste ugh.

i'm gonna go down to the reception tomorrow to sort out my unite account. i wanted to send in a maintenance request but it says user not found? like wtf i didn't pay a couple of thousand pounds for shit like this... i really wanna get the moldy silicon thing replaced cause it's freaking me out! i mean, look at this!

isn't it disgusting as FUCK?!?!?! they said they have put in a note for me but guess what?? it's been 3 weeks! very efficient. so called best student accommodation... BOO. i disapprove.

alright enough with the negativity...

i wanted to read but i am currently very absorbed in VLR. i'll screw the reading plan for today......

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