Thursday, June 25, 2009

Why can't I...?

Have you felt that way,
When you wanna learn something,
I mean "finally" you wanna learn something,
Then you just can't ?

Maybe you will see it as a small matter,
But actually I found my other passion,
Besides singing.


In may sound fierce,
Or rough,
But actually it's good for the whole body,
And since I-Don't-Know-When,
I really like it,
I'm really into it you know.

Imagine you really like flying,
At last you've found a flying academy where the people are good and you really wanna learn from them,
Then BOOM!
You've been declined.
Talking about the price of the fees,
Or any sort that are similar.

Just the same.

I really like boxing.
Although today is just the first day,
Or maybe officially the last day,
I can feel that I wanna master it.
I feel great using all the energy up.
You feel weak after that,
Then stronger you'd be after.

Isn't that great for someone like me,
Who doesn't even like moving around with feet except traveling,
Who doesn't like things like "senamrobik",
Who doesn't really care about sports,
Actually like boxing.

I was so depressed and rejected after I got a "no" from my mother.
I still am.
I really wanna...

Sometimes I just don't understand.
I didn't ask to be a member of California Fitness,
Then you gave it to me,
Now I just wanna learn Boxing,
Yes, it may cost a number,
At least I wanted it.
I can be dedicated to it.
I know and I'm sure I can.

Too bad my she didn't know.
She didn't even wanna try to know.

Maybe I should stop now.

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