As the title mentioned, it's something about dragons and it's owner.
*Drake=dragon, rider= the one who rides on the dragon, owner/master*
The first chapter is FREE on App Store.
Finished the first chapter and I actually bought the remaining 5 chapters for USD21 (RM60+),it is a little pricey but I guess if people wanna play the game, it's fine to buy it.
The storyline is quite ok.
It's about a guy that has the power to control the only dragon in the world and he has to save the world from demons called Dreads.
The graphics are quite nice and the battle system is new to me. I guess it's refreshing.
The battle system uses a chain controlling/gauging system (because you have to control the dragon so it wouldn't go berserk.)
Pics below are screenshots from my phone, except for those with credits (click on pictures to see original size):
They can be clearer but because it's re-sized to a smaller one, they appear blurry.
cr:Jimmy Carter on youtube.
As you can see, the chains are not decorations, they are your battle controls, swipe it left or right to move the arrow (the gauge with blue, green, yellow and red at the top) to execute different attacks.The navigation is cool, you appear as a guy riding on the dragon (no, you can't choose the dragon, I said it's the only one in the world)
There's even flying around on world map!
The level system somehow reminds me on "Final Fantasy X"'s sphere-grid system, but not quite similar.
Final Fantasy sphere-grid:
Drakerider ablilty grid
The difference between those two, is that the one on FFX moves while for Drakerider you kinda just tap them. Of course the scale is much smaller in Drakerider (it's an iPhone game, duh) and Drakerider gets to equip the abilities learned compared to FFX's abilities that get to be used directly within a battle.
Well, the menu interface is pretty much standard with the character's face and menu options along with the current objectives and whatnot.
You see the word "Valet" in the upper picture? The first option of the menu?
It's a cute thing actually. If you tap inside it's gonna look like this:
You get this guy after some time in the game.
This pink guy up there (which I named Peanut, lol) will help you find treasures at different places on the world map (depending on where you dispatch this guy to.), you get extra cash through this but you have wait for an amount of time.
That's how this guy looks like originally.
Overall I think it's a good game, Square Enix as usual I have to say.
Battle: **** (refreshing chain system)
Graphics: ****
Story: **** (not fully done with the game but I have a good feeling about this)
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