whoa so long since i updated!
omg my microsoft office 2007/2010 is not working when I have assignments to rush!
tomorrow i'll have to go sungei wang and look for it or else i can die!
online purchase is so expensive like RM200+ omg zzzz
thats why i have to find cheap ones.
my assignments are due next week and i cant do anything TT
and my french intermediate I exam I got A hehehe.
can't wait for class to start next tuesday.
next, korean exam is on 10th november but i can't attend class for 3 weeks in a row TT
therefore i can have ONE more class the week before the exam week.
i still hope i can get A.
studying korean like mad.
besides that i think i need to visit a dentist.
my gums are killing me TT
but then i am afraid of the drilling sounds -.-
plus, recently im really broke like mad.
have to start planning my expenses again.
AND S.H.E IS BACK \o/ !!
my heart is always filled with them <3 b="b">3>
the 1-minute mv is NOT ENOUGH ZZZZ
november is gonna be a good month i guess!
Girls' Generation are coming back, S.H.E new album is coming too!
gotta save alot of $$$$$$$
well i plan to save at least half of my allowance into my debit card.
then ill get to buy lotsa stuff.
oh i even ordered Ppany's calendar from theStephi.com!
a SONE shirt from Teebots in collab with SSF and 2 soshified decals!
can't wait to paste it on my car window heheheh *show off*
i hope i can survive november with all the new stuff coming out!
Thursday, October 25, 2012
Friday, October 12, 2012
I can't be around forever
I try to help everyone who asked me for help.
And when people come to me for help, I never refuse; unless I dislike you.
But what are the chances?
Frequently I ponder upon my actions,
And I wonder if I am ever too nice; too nice to be taken advantage of.
It's fine if it brings people happiness,
But will you guys ever remember my contributions?
My presence, even?
Many times I picked myself up from the dumps,
Because to look behind is nearly pointless unless it makes you better,
In this case, I find only the fact that I am always giving.
What if, just what if,
I wouldn't be around to help anyone anymore?
I can't be sticking around forever.
I might die just tomorrow and noone will ever know,
No one will ever wonder about my existence,
Of course when people need my assistance but too bad it is just too late till then.
And when people come to me for help, I never refuse; unless I dislike you.
But what are the chances?
Frequently I ponder upon my actions,
And I wonder if I am ever too nice; too nice to be taken advantage of.
It's fine if it brings people happiness,
But will you guys ever remember my contributions?
My presence, even?
Many times I picked myself up from the dumps,
Because to look behind is nearly pointless unless it makes you better,
In this case, I find only the fact that I am always giving.
What if, just what if,
I wouldn't be around to help anyone anymore?
I can't be sticking around forever.
I might die just tomorrow and noone will ever know,
No one will ever wonder about my existence,
Of course when people need my assistance but too bad it is just too late till then.
Wednesday, September 19, 2012
I completed the game and still no idea how to get more reality hypercubes -.-
Kinda hoping SquareEnix will release an update where those who completed the game can replay using current stats.
There are new stuff after my second review, like union with your dragon, and I'm right about the Butch guy.
I did control him, and I did fight him.
But when I fought him, it's nearing the end of the game.
This is the union thing.
There are like 3 levels of union attacks but the one below is just the first level.
The higher level it gets the stronger the attack is, of course.
You go on in the game as Butch because Aran kinda lost his dragon after Quory died.
A bunch of stuff happened and Butch's commissioner betrayed him about protecting his world.
After that he kinda made himself a dragon and decided to fight Aran for a better future.
Aran's dragon (Edkhardt? Don't remember the spelling lol.)came back and made himself the armors and kinda turned them into some warriors.
The moves are really cool but you kinda get to use them only once in the game.
After you beat Big Bang Butch (the Butch Dragon, the big boss of the game), the dragons disappear and everything goes normal again.
I kinda teared up a bit when it's all over.
There's this kissing scene (like for 1 second) but I didn't get to snapshot it.
Well all in all,
I think it's a great game.
Just hoped the story is longer, more features and a friggin idea on how to get the reality hypercubes.
If anyone got an idea please tell me about it.
Kinda hoping SquareEnix will release an update where those who completed the game can replay using current stats.
There are new stuff after my second review, like union with your dragon, and I'm right about the Butch guy.
I did control him, and I did fight him.
But when I fought him, it's nearing the end of the game.
This is the union thing.
There are like 3 levels of union attacks but the one below is just the first level.
The higher level it gets the stronger the attack is, of course.
You go on in the game as Butch because Aran kinda lost his dragon after Quory died.
A bunch of stuff happened and Butch's commissioner betrayed him about protecting his world.
After that he kinda made himself a dragon and decided to fight Aran for a better future.
Aran's dragon (Edkhardt? Don't remember the spelling lol.)came back and made himself the armors and kinda turned them into some warriors.
The moves are really cool but you kinda get to use them only once in the game.
After you beat Big Bang Butch (the Butch Dragon, the big boss of the game), the dragons disappear and everything goes normal again.
I kinda teared up a bit when it's all over.
There's this kissing scene (like for 1 second) but I didn't get to snapshot it.
Well all in all,
I think it's a great game.
Just hoped the story is longer, more features and a friggin idea on how to get the reality hypercubes.
If anyone got an idea please tell me about it.
Saturday, September 15, 2012
It seems that there's more than meets the eye.
Apparently there are more than ONE world and there will be more than ONE dragon and more than ONE dragalier.
There's this guy named Butch that kinda barged in this world of Igraine and wanted to kill all the Dreads that I (the character) that was supposed to kill.
His attribute is lightning I suppose from the way we last fought.
And guess what, he's from another world.
He has quite a cool dragon, too.
Oh, this time, I'm here to add that I can control 2 characters in alternative.
The other character is a girl named Gale that wanted to kill me(the character) because she thought I killed everyone, including her parents, which of course is false. LOL.
She uses a shotgun and she started out with a couple of of pre-learned skills. But then I'll have to train her so I'll have re-master the same skills again.
The up-side is, you get this character with slightly different skills (such as ice, as my first character uses fire.) so you can explore the enemy's weaknesses.
The downside though, is that the skills learned are never shared and the amount of crystals and money spent are doubled.
Next, there's this new cube. Instead of the normal hypercube, there's a cube called the Reality Hypercube where you don't walk around in a cube for treasure, instead you walk around in a world of a different dimension.
It's activated at Nashka city when you're going to fight Silvie.
The monsters in the Reality Hypercube is stronger than normal monsters. So train enough before entering or you'll lose all your invocations!
Well, so far this is all.
I have a feeling that Butch will be another dragalier I control after some time though.
Or maybe he'll be a constant rival I have to keep facing, like Gary and Ash haha!
Who knows there are still a couple more dragaliers out there.
See ya around!
It seems that there's more than meets the eye.
Apparently there are more than ONE world and there will be more than ONE dragon and more than ONE dragalier.
There's this guy named Butch that kinda barged in this world of Igraine and wanted to kill all the Dreads that I (the character) that was supposed to kill.
His attribute is lightning I suppose from the way we last fought.
And guess what, he's from another world.
He has quite a cool dragon, too.
The one who wanted to kill me.
The other character is a girl named Gale that wanted to kill me(the character) because she thought I killed everyone, including her parents, which of course is false. LOL.
This is how she looks like.
This is how she battles
She uses a shotgun and she started out with a couple of of pre-learned skills. But then I'll have to train her so I'll have re-master the same skills again.
The up-side is, you get this character with slightly different skills (such as ice, as my first character uses fire.) so you can explore the enemy's weaknesses.
The downside though, is that the skills learned are never shared and the amount of crystals and money spent are doubled.
This is how the menu looks like you control more than 1 character.
You switch between characters by clicking on the little face at the bottom.Next, there's this new cube. Instead of the normal hypercube, there's a cube called the Reality Hypercube where you don't walk around in a cube for treasure, instead you walk around in a world of a different dimension.
It's activated at Nashka city when you're going to fight Silvie.
The little blue portal.
Looks like the real world but no guide-rings.
The monsters in the Reality Hypercube is stronger than normal monsters. So train enough before entering or you'll lose all your invocations!
Well, so far this is all.
I have a feeling that Butch will be another dragalier I control after some time though.
Or maybe he'll be a constant rival I have to keep facing, like Gary and Ash haha!
Who knows there are still a couple more dragaliers out there.
See ya around!
Wednesday, September 12, 2012
DRAKERIDER by SquareEnix
Came across a great game.
As the title mentioned, it's something about dragons and it's owner.
*Drake=dragon, rider= the one who rides on the dragon, owner/master*
The first chapter is FREE on App Store.
Finished the first chapter and I actually bought the remaining 5 chapters for USD21 (RM60+),it is a little pricey but I guess if people wanna play the game, it's fine to buy it.
The storyline is quite ok.
It's about a guy that has the power to control the only dragon in the world and he has to save the world from demons called Dreads.
The graphics are quite nice and the battle system is new to me. I guess it's refreshing.
The battle system uses a chain controlling/gauging system (because you have to control the dragon so it wouldn't go berserk.)
Pics below are screenshots from my phone, except for those with credits (click on pictures to see original size):
They can be clearer but because it's re-sized to a smaller one, they appear blurry.
The navigation is cool, you appear as a guy riding on the dragon (no, you can't choose the dragon, I said it's the only one in the world)
There's even flying around on world map!
Overall I think it's a good game, Square Enix as usual I have to say.
Battle: **** (refreshing chain system)
Graphics: ****
Story: **** (not fully done with the game but I have a good feeling about this)
As the title mentioned, it's something about dragons and it's owner.
*Drake=dragon, rider= the one who rides on the dragon, owner/master*
The first chapter is FREE on App Store.
Finished the first chapter and I actually bought the remaining 5 chapters for USD21 (RM60+),it is a little pricey but I guess if people wanna play the game, it's fine to buy it.
The storyline is quite ok.
It's about a guy that has the power to control the only dragon in the world and he has to save the world from demons called Dreads.
The graphics are quite nice and the battle system is new to me. I guess it's refreshing.
The battle system uses a chain controlling/gauging system (because you have to control the dragon so it wouldn't go berserk.)
Pics below are screenshots from my phone, except for those with credits (click on pictures to see original size):
They can be clearer but because it's re-sized to a smaller one, they appear blurry.
cr:Jimmy Carter on youtube.
As you can see, the chains are not decorations, they are your battle controls, swipe it left or right to move the arrow (the gauge with blue, green, yellow and red at the top) to execute different attacks.The navigation is cool, you appear as a guy riding on the dragon (no, you can't choose the dragon, I said it's the only one in the world)
There's even flying around on world map!
The level system somehow reminds me on "Final Fantasy X"'s sphere-grid system, but not quite similar.
Final Fantasy sphere-grid:
Drakerider ablilty grid
The difference between those two, is that the one on FFX moves while for Drakerider you kinda just tap them. Of course the scale is much smaller in Drakerider (it's an iPhone game, duh) and Drakerider gets to equip the abilities learned compared to FFX's abilities that get to be used directly within a battle.
Well, the menu interface is pretty much standard with the character's face and menu options along with the current objectives and whatnot.
You see the word "Valet" in the upper picture? The first option of the menu?
It's a cute thing actually. If you tap inside it's gonna look like this:
You get this guy after some time in the game.
This pink guy up there (which I named Peanut, lol) will help you find treasures at different places on the world map (depending on where you dispatch this guy to.), you get extra cash through this but you have wait for an amount of time.
That's how this guy looks like originally.
Overall I think it's a good game, Square Enix as usual I have to say.
Battle: **** (refreshing chain system)
Graphics: ****
Story: **** (not fully done with the game but I have a good feeling about this)
Sunday, September 9, 2012
Why I love Girls' Generation.
It's been around 8 years since I fell in love with a girl group after S.H.E. That is Girls' Generation.
Day after day I found out that many people who are/were in love with S.H.E are also SONEs now.
Why? Because of that one thing --- the bond they share among members.
It was their dorkiness and cheerful personality that got me so addicted to Girls' Generation.
Their strength to get through obstacles and the honesty in their true selves, too.
Of course, their music are also a factor to why I became a SONE.
The first reality show that really let me understand their "craziness" behind their pretty faces is, Intimate Note and Hello Baby. I was laughing my heart out after being in the darkness for a long time (I was at a low point of my life when I started my way to becoming a SONE) and now I am thankful for their existence!
To watch Hello Baby episodes click here.
Intimate Note:
cr: SNSDsubvideos
They brought light and laughter to my life. To me, they are special and each member is one of a kind.
They have taught me many things about living life to the fullest and giving my best in everything.
They even managed to change my mindset on certain things (I am quite... a stubborn one.).
Apart from that, this fandom I am in is also a very beautiful one. I knew many nice people (and many trollers, too. Hahaha!) and I'm glad to know I'm not only one being so protective over our angels (too protective, rather.) and I'm not the only crazy one around heh!
I hope in the future,
I can continue being a dedicated SONE,
Continue being inspired by these 9 angels,
Let them be my motivation to become a better person,
Because there will be nothing more beautiful than the power of 9.
Day after day I found out that many people who are/were in love with S.H.E are also SONEs now.
Why? Because of that one thing --- the bond they share among members.
It was their dorkiness and cheerful personality that got me so addicted to Girls' Generation.
Their strength to get through obstacles and the honesty in their true selves, too.
Of course, their music are also a factor to why I became a SONE.
The first reality show that really let me understand their "craziness" behind their pretty faces is, Intimate Note and Hello Baby. I was laughing my heart out after being in the darkness for a long time (I was at a low point of my life when I started my way to becoming a SONE) and now I am thankful for their existence!
To watch Hello Baby episodes click here.
Intimate Note:
cr: SNSDsubvideos
They brought light and laughter to my life. To me, they are special and each member is one of a kind.
They have taught me many things about living life to the fullest and giving my best in everything.
They even managed to change my mindset on certain things (I am quite... a stubborn one.).
Apart from that, this fandom I am in is also a very beautiful one. I knew many nice people (and many trollers, too. Hahaha!) and I'm glad to know I'm not only one being so protective over our angels (too protective, rather.) and I'm not the only crazy one around heh!
I hope in the future,
I can continue being a dedicated SONE,
Continue being inspired by these 9 angels,
Let them be my motivation to become a better person,
Because there will be nothing more beautiful than the power of 9.
The power we hold onto.
Monday, September 3, 2012
Once again I should try and pick up the sunshine I lost.
Life could be better if we try.
It's not for me to solve or face,
It is something I'll have to accept although some part of me are not willing to.
Looking for the food for my soul and walk down the path of life.
Life could be better if we try.
It's not for me to solve or face,
It is something I'll have to accept although some part of me are not willing to.
Looking for the food for my soul and walk down the path of life.
Wednesday, August 1, 2012
The eye-smiles of an angel. [MIYOUNG]
I said I'll be back for more heartfelt speeches didn't I?
Well, this time, it's our eye-smiling mushroom's 24th birthday!
Even-though I have always regretted not being a SONE earlier,
The love I give is never less!
In fact, because of this, I love harder and I love more.
Because if it wasn't for the existence of So Nyuh Shi Dae,
My life wouldn't turn around.
My life is brought from the darkest pits to the brightest side and I'm happy the reason is no other than them.
Many times I am reminded that I can be stronger if I choose to be, therefore I am because of the 9 of you.
Please take care of yourselves and also look after each other like all of you usual do ok?
Don't overwork and don't stress yourselves out.
Health is more important than everything
Up until now,
I have only become a SONE for 4 months,
Probably a few days lesser,
But that doesn't stop me from loving more,
And I think it's the reason I keep loving!
Once again, it's a bond I'm lucky enough to witness,
And I'm lucky enough to feel it and also to be a part of this loving fandom.
For the millionth time,
Your eye-smiles are the strength for me to stay strong.
I've always believed that God gave you extra smiles because He knows you can never shine enough with only one.
And for the millionth time,
You always managed to sneak in the warmth into my heart.
Along with your 8 sister,
You shine more and with you 9 as one,
Soshi outshines everything else.
The love shared between all of you is the reason to my neverending love,
Of course Soshi's music is a bonus haha!
Even if 9999 years have passed,
Even if all of us are no longer around,
Perhaps replaced by a new generation,
Your names will be encrypted in the stars and shine upon the earth,
Showering the world with the love you guys share,
And guide them to a better world.
We know nothing lasts forever,
Beat that!
I know we will!
Maybe not physically after 9999 years,
*Heh you get what I mean.*
Did I just talk to much again?
Well I have so many things to say even if you can't see this.
Stephanie Hwang Mi-Young is the name that is carved permanently in my heart,
And Tiffany is the name I will keep in my brain.
Your mother will always be looking after you from above and I know that she will be very proud to see what you have achieved and I'm sure she knows that when she gave birth to you 23(24) years ago, she has given this world an angel with the biggest heart and the biggest smile; for that is the best trait a human could have.
our angelic eye-smiling, pink-obsessed, loud and blunt, kind-hearted,
protective, (every nice word available), Stephanie Hwang Mi-Young, with a
nice butt great smile,
I love you now and forever more.
영원히 소녀시대,사랑해요!
Dang I have so many to say but it's ll cluttered up in my mind...
Cut it with the touchiness,
Taeny*Taengoo, what are you staring at?*
JeTi *The Korean American Couple*
SooFany *The mushroom and shikshin!*
YoonFany*Shikshin no.2 & mushroom!*
Signing off,
지금은 소녀시대! 앞으로도 소녀시대! 영원히 소녀시대!
Now is So Nyuh Shi Dae, Tomorrow is So Nyuh Shi Dae, Forever is So Nyuh Shi Dae!
The power of nine
Girls' Generation *Paparazzi*
Now is So Nyuh Shi Dae, Tomorrow is So Nyuh Shi Dae, Forever is So Nyuh Shi Dae!
The power of nine
Girls' Generation *Paparazzi*
120801 Mezors.
Sunday, July 29, 2012
Hello again!
Wow it's been a long time since i came up to update -.-
i was so busy with so many irrelevant thing i couldnt remember -.-
ok one by one ill update new stuffs.
first of all,
i got A for my french beginner 1!
ok next of all,
i got all my orders already hahah!
all the big and heavy ones!!
and my next target is their earlier albums and of the more costly one is this:
ahhh the box CD is rm380, hopefully nobody gets it before i do! D;
reserve reserve reserve

oh and i got myself the SONE badge too :D
one is one my bag and one on my pencil case :)
btw, anyone knows where to get the pin for the clip on badge? :| ------>
and thanks to the girls,
i donated to charity because it's nearing their 5th anniversary :)
hmmm 5th of August!
5 years since debut, 6 years since they are formed!
eventhough i'm a new fan, i feel loyal and old (in terms of fandom love).
most of all, i feel warm and proud!
im gonna save the speech on the day itself before i flood this post *which is already flooded enough*
1st of August is eye-smiling mushroom's birthday!
yesterday the girls held a 5th anniversary party.
and they had a cake decorating session/competition.....
maybe she hid the cake! hahah! the cake is found and it looks like the picture, except slightly better haha!
For fan-account go here.
well, though i couldnt be there *like obviously -.-*
my heart and soul is there :)
and Soonkyu wasn't feeling well so she didn't appear at the front.
Get well soon soonkyu!
we love you and don't worry about us!
take care :)
and i cried because of a video!
just swelled me up with emotions TT
i forgot what was the title of the video but i remembered that i cried from the first second until the last!
ok...i'll save the touching speech for 5th of august hehehe (or i'll cry here and spoil my computer)
and recently addicted to 2 songs..
For Star Star Star it's just fanmade because there isn't any official music video for this :)
*Run Devil Run: Repackage Album*
I'll come back on 1st of August, or earlier if I remember!
Oh right!
Pre-birthday picture sharing :D
Ok i posted some pairings that i didn't post up earlier.
and ppany's gonna be at thailand from today until 2nd of august,
hopefully she doesnt have to celebrate her birthday although that kinda looked like it :(
*still doesn't want her to celebrate alone. by alone i mean without members.*
actually i have more to say but it's getting too long LOL
goodnight :)
i was so busy with so many irrelevant thing i couldnt remember -.-
ok one by one ill update new stuffs.
first of all,
i got A for my french beginner 1!
Certificate :D
and i got full marks for my korean beginner 1 too! but i havent got the certificate :)ok next of all,
i got all my orders already hahah!
all the big and heavy ones!!
Imagine how big the one on the left is!
and yeah, that's the big pink block of CD i was talking about last time! and the size of the book on the upper left is like a normal book! *see how big the other is?*and my next target is their earlier albums and of the more costly one is this:
It's like a big box of CD *LOL*
almost like the size of my radio haha!! well maybe 20% smaller than that. pretty right?
the shaker pencil is for size comparison!
don't mind the run devil run album lolol! currently listening in my room. twinkle album is for my car.ahhh the box CD is rm380, hopefully nobody gets it before i do! D;
oh and i got myself the SONE badge too :D
one is one my bag and one on my pencil case :)
btw, anyone knows where to get the pin for the clip on badge? :| ------>
G9 SONE badge
and thanks to the girls,
i donated to charity because it's nearing their 5th anniversary :)
hmmm 5th of August!
5 years since debut, 6 years since they are formed!
eventhough i'm a new fan, i feel loyal and old (in terms of fandom love).
most of all, i feel warm and proud!
im gonna save the speech on the day itself before i flood this post *which is already flooded enough*
1st of August is eye-smiling mushroom's birthday!
Sending sparks since 1st August 1989
and again, i will save the speech until it's her birthday hahah!yesterday the girls held a 5th anniversary party.
and they had a cake decorating session/competition.....
Yeah.. the last one is the mysterious sica cake.
Ppany got best cake and Sica got worst..
For fan-account go here.
well, though i couldnt be there *like obviously -.-*
my heart and soul is there :)
and Soonkyu wasn't feeling well so she didn't appear at the front.
Get well soon soonkyu!
we love you and don't worry about us!
take care :)
and i cried because of a video!
just swelled me up with emotions TT
i forgot what was the title of the video but i remembered that i cried from the first second until the last!
ok...i'll save the touching speech for 5th of august hehehe (or i'll cry here and spoil my computer)
and recently addicted to 2 songs..
Star Star Star:
*Run Devil Run: Repackage Album*
I'll come back on 1st of August, or earlier if I remember!
Oh right!
Pre-birthday picture sharing :D
Yulti *Eye-smiling mushroom and black pearl*
2ny *Ppany & Energy Pill Sunny*
HyoFany*Ppany & Dancing Queen Hyoyeon*
Ok i posted some pairings that i didn't post up earlier.
and ppany's gonna be at thailand from today until 2nd of august,
hopefully she doesnt have to celebrate her birthday although that kinda looked like it :(
*still doesn't want her to celebrate alone. by alone i mean without members.*
actually i have more to say but it's getting too long LOL
goodnight :)
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