Sunday, March 1, 2009

The 'Him'

I was supposed to go Sungei Wang to compete right?
Ok, I bailed out.
I just traded some cards
And just played some free duels
Kinda fun though

And I knew many people
*But I dunno their names, YET!!! -.-!!*

While i was dueling
With somebody
There's a guy

He has such nice english
So when he just started talking
I was immediately attracted -.-

And we actually 'yumcha-ed' together today
He's 20 years-old
And he told me he's a mix
Well, actually many 'mixes'
OK...... Chinese+Malay+'A little' Indian+English+Japanese
And he's english is so nice
The best thing is............
He's a Muslim

I think I'm starting to like that guy XDXD
Serious lah weii... -.-
I think I'm liking him =X

He's a lead singer for a band...
I forgot the band name -.-
'Three piece *something something*
Its not like he's VERY nice-looking or what but...
I think he's cute
He's very friendly

He actually told me that he broke up with his girlfriend recently
And the reason why too
It's her birthday today * 1-3-09*
He wrote a song dedicated to her
How much I admired that girl

And he's the cause my imporatnt card kena ban!!

Back to the competition
I thought card games like this
Only youngsters like me and Andrew will play
When I go there...
I see many uncles playing
Maybe 40 years-old also got... -.-!!
And they actually have cards I really want!!!

I had Gasoline today
Always don't have my Puffy-Mushroom soup
And I didn't take any picture because I know TOKI doesn't like it!!

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