Just a random post.
Have you ever had a feeling that came rushing into your heart whenever you sit around a table with your friends or family, everyone chatting away and extending their arms to reach the bowl of mashed potatoes across the table, or just passing a cracker to the person opposite of them? One offers the jam and suggests that it goes well with the bread and another one just takes a sip of coffee out of a friend's cup. The presence of everyone is so strong I couldn't help but observe.
Sometimes, I just think it's so lonely to have only a couple of people at home, with each person doing their own work, without any communication at all.And that feels like.. a broken family. The sound of the television fills up the living room and nobody says a thing.
To me, a house has to be bright and filled with people-close people to make it feel homely. A heart has to be accepting and a mind has to be open to keep the people around us happy, because rejection is the quickest way to push people away-and keep them away.
I miss the feeling of being together with friends, around a small table filled with all kinds of food, with bright lighting and open windows. Fresh air had never felt so different before. A warm fire just ignited inside me. How I wish I can relive that one more time, with more people close to me, with more people that I care for.